Digital Vehicle Inspections (DVI) in East York, ON
Buying a car is a big investment and in order to keep it running in tiptop shape, preventative maintenance is needed. Many auto repair shops, R&S Auto included, conduct vehicle inspections to provide vehicle owners peace of mind.

Importance of a Vehicle Inspection
A vehicle inspection is a physical and visual check of all major components of your vehicle. A report is completed that details any issues found, what work should be completed to fix those issues, and what can be delayed for later servicing. When we inspect your vehicle, we are able to provide you an accurate suggestion as to what preventative maintenance to expect in the upcoming months, this saves you from surprise repair work!
Ensuring that you know what issues your vehicle is facing and addressing them with a reputable auto shop are also important factors that lead to long vehicle lifetimes. The team at R&S Auto can verify that your vehicles are in optimal working order which maximizes for your vehicles’ value.
Paper Inspections to DVIs
In the past, vehicle inspection reports were conducted with a pen and paper. They served their purpose because there was no alternative solution; however, paper inspections came with their challenges. The reports got dirty easily, it could be hard to decipher handwriting, and there was limited proof of vehicle issues.
When digital vehicle inspections were introduced, these issues disappeared seemingly over night. DVIs allow service advisors to save time while conducting the same inspections. Technicians are guided through the digital inspection process ensuring that no steps are skipped and that all aspects of the report are legible.
DVIs also build trust and improve the customer experience since technicians are prompted to take pictures and videos along the way that we can text or email directly to the client.
About Auto Serve 1
At R&S Auto we know that having the right digital vehicle inspection software is important. We use Auto Serve 1 because of the transparency that it provides. We can communicate with you via text message, provide insights on what repairs are necessary and what can wait a little longer and we can include photos and videos so you get to see what we see.
Auto Serve 1 also integrates seamlessly with our shop management system so nothing goes missing and we provide you the best possible service.
Preventative Maintenance and Auto Repair at R&S Auto
Looking for the right team to conduct your preventative maintenance and auto repair? Look no further than R&S Auto in East York, ON. With a solid understanding of what’s happening with your vehicle, we can build a custom maintenance schedule or tend to any necessary repairs ASAP. Our team of trained technicians have thorough knowledge of virtually all vehicle makes and models and we are constantly upskilling to provide you with the best service possible.
Call today to speak with a service advisor or book your next appointment online.